Cleft rail fencing also known as Sussex or Chestnut rail fencing is a rustic option suitable for many areas. Usually constructed with twin rails and overlapping tenons. Our Chestnut cleft rails are available in lengths of 9’ 6” , they are split from logs and not machined so will have a rustic appearance with bark edges, the timber is not pressure treated, and the colour will weather quickly. The ends are shaped to but will need to be trimmed to suit the mortise holes.We also have 150mm x 100mm pressure treated twin mortised posts to complete the job. You can of course choose to use longer posts for a taller fence and have an additional line of rails, we will require your mortise measurements. The posts have a flat top and are ready for your contractor to cut if you choose to have a shaped top, please take this in to account when supplying your mortise measurements.

Cleft Rails Prices
We welcome the opportunity to match or beat any genuine comparable quote. Please see our terms.
Trade customers please enquire direct for Trade prices where available.